Keel's Tale

Somewhere and Back Again, I hope.

I haven’t posted on this blog in over a year. The frequency of posting ~3 times week really burnt me out. That and moving really shifted my focus (it’s been a couple months but I finally had time to come back to this.).

I am going to shift this blog from a mini-painting blog to something different. There will be no theme, just a random guy on the interwebs (or not so random for some of you) and his current fascination/opinion and journey through life.

Currently I have made the decision to stop playing video games. I wanted to replace that hobby with something more healthy/productive/rewarding. I am considering many things and will write my thoughts on here if I manage to find the time.

I am considering a few creative hobbies, a few active hobbies, and other hobbies I had no idea how to categorize. I guess this is my version of the midlife crisis lol.

~Just an Average Guy

Let’s not forget that this miniature was a Game’s Workshop model. What that means is at every chance to put extra Bojangles on the mini they’ll do it. Now you might wonder why I have an empty back then? Answer: I removed part of the mini. This leaves the back open and free to do with how I please. Which is nice, and I can utilize that by adding a tattoo to the Erlking.


Skin, besides faces it is probably one of the hardest things for people to paint. Because, we as humans can recognize what natural skin looks like. And as such it’s easy to identify what looks odd or out of place.


This is easily my least favorite part. It’s still the beginning of the project and everything you do looks mediocre at best and your no where near the end to judge if its a good job or not.


I’m not the best painter and never claimed to be. So, I’ll make a lot of mistakes through the process, and I’m super critical of my work. It’s important to just roll with the mistakes and make the most out of them.


Contrast is the best way to make a mini pop. To accomplish this I’ll start by defining my shadows and highlights.


Primin’ Time! Due to the amount of Green-Stuff I will need to prime this project. This will help the paint stick to the miniatures and provide an undertone to the base coat of the model. The undertone will help give the mini a certain feel, for example a white undertone will make the paint feel brighter.


This project has made me really feel for those renaissance sculptors back then. They must have spent hundreds of hours on a leg alone of that marble statue, that’s to scale. Meanwhile, I’m over here struggling to fill in this man’s lower back at a scale of 1:56 in ~4 hours.


You ever have that moment when nothing seems right? Well I was having one of those this weekend during this project.


I can rebuild him. I have the technology.


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